Do I need a building permit for a barn?
A building permit is not required for a farm building but an electrical permit is required if there is to be wiring installed. The land must be farm sales tax certified or eligible for the present use value program. Land owner must provide copy of tax listing showing present use value or exemption certificate number, otherwise a permit is required for the structure.
What is the frost line in Ashe County?
24 inches
Where do I go to get a permit?
The Ashe County Courthouse, 150 Government Circle in Jefferson N.C. 2nd floor, Suite 2400. Also if this permit is for a new dwelling make sure you have obtained your septic and well permits from the health department and have the plans of the dwelling along with the lien agreement and other permit forms required.
What is the number of ground rods required on and electrical service?
2 six feet apart.
What size egress window is required in a bed room?
No less than a clear opening of 22” high and 20” wide min. Net clear opening of 4 sq. ft.
What are the insulation requirements for Ashe County?
R 30 Floor
R 38 Ceiling
R 19 in Walls
When are Guard Rails required?
Porches, balconies, raised floors, or steps 30” above floor or grade.
Is sheet rock required between the garage and living space in a dwelling?
Yes ½“
What if I have a question about septic or well?
Visit the Appalachian District Health Department for Environmental Health website, or call them at 336-246-3356