The Finance Department has the responsibility of recording and reporting on the financial activities of the County and of verifying that all financial transactions are conducted and recorded in accordance with the budget ordinance, applicable laws, guidelines provided by regulatory agencies, generally accepted accounting principles and County policies. The following are some of the duties performed in fulfilling the department’s responsibilities:
Maintaining detailed account records by fund for County Departments including:
- Assets
- Liabilities
- Budgeted and actual revenues
- Budgeted and actual expenditures
Supervising the receipt, deposit and investment of cash
Approving all invoicing and contracts prior to payment
Disbursing funds for payments to suppliers
Disbursing employee payroll funds
Preparing financial reports for various State and Federal agencies
Assisting in preparation of the Annual County Budget
Approving and Issuing Purchase Orders
Accounting for Fixed Assets
Hours of Operation:
8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.
Monday through Friday
Contact Information:
Ashe County Courthouse
150 Government Circle
Suite 2500
Jefferson, NC 28640
Phone: 336.846-5501
Fax: 336.846.5516
Sandra Long, Finance OfficerTeresa Bare, Assistant Finance Officer
Ashley Lambert, Deputy Finance Officer
Angie Brooks, Accounting Asst IV
Brenda Miles, Accounting Clerk