E911 Addressing
The E911 Office provides addresses in Ashe County outside the city limits of Jefferson and West Jefferson. On this page you will find the most commonly asked questions for the E911 Department and contact information if you have any further questions.
Physical and Mailing Address:
Kris Wagoner
150 Government Circle
Suite 2400
Jefferson, NC 28640
How do I get a physical Address?
- First you must satisfy all requirements to apply for a building permit such as a perk test.
- Obtain a Building Permit.
- E911 will take measurements via GPS (Global Positioning System) only when the footers and Driveway are in place.
- After the measurements are taken, they are downloaded into the computer.
- You will receive your address within 5 working days.
Do you furnish State Maintained and Private Road Signs?
Yes, Private Road signs cost $200, which allows for 2 blades and 1 post. However, private road owners do not have to buy road signs for E911. If a private road owner wishes to purchase a private road sign through E911, the road name must be approved.
Does E911 approve New Development names?
Yes, new development names must be approved by E911 so that there is no similar development names in the county.
Do I have to have my E911 number on my house?
Yes, all residents must have an E911 number on their house and at the beginning of their driveway. Numbers should be at least 4″ and reflective.
How do I get a private road name?
Before a private road can be named, the approval of 100 percent of the landowners must be obtained and submitted to the E-911 Addressing Coordinator.